Monday, October 29, 2007


I dedicate this website to the 4 best cooks I know: My mother, Anna, who nourished me from the day of my first breath, both physically and spiritually; my mother-in-law, Mag, introducing me to her family favorites and customs; my husband’s grandmother, Louise (Little Grammie), who had a unique, physical and verbal way of teaching me all her different techniques, to pass on traditional dishes; and last, and foremost, my heavenly mother, Mary, who is always by my side guiding me with spiritual intervention every step, and ingredient, of the way.

It is with a deep love of my heritage that I also dedicate this collection of recipes to all the cooks who are just starting out and continuing the tradition of using recipes that are "family recipes". I hope that this website will serve to preserve some of my "family recipes" and to kindle an interest in traditional cooking among the younger families in a not always traditional way.

Enjoy !

With much love,

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