Thursday, November 8, 2007

How to: Baked Potatoes

Run potatoes through water for a thorough washing
8 large potatoes, unpeeled
1 tbsp. vegetable oil

Wash potatoes well and dry. Pierce the potatoes 2 or 3 times with a fork. Rub a little of the oil on your hands and then rub over the entire potato. Place potato on a square piece of aluminum foil. Wrap potato in foil. Place (directly on rack) in a preheated 350° oven for 1 hour or until potatoes are soft when pierced with a fork. Split tops of potatoes with a knife and serve with your desired toppings. (Such as chili or ham topping).

Oh, so easy! My mother told me that the oil makes all the difference. It softens the skin just enough, so you can eat the entire potato for a healthy serving of vitamins and nutrients. My husband would never eat the skin when he was young (of course, he wouldn’t eat the yellow on a sunny-side up egg, either). That changed when he got to college and learned to eat whatever was served in the cafeteria. Funny how things change when you are hungry. I told him that he was missing all the vitamins and minerals in the skin, but he was adamant. Over time, he tried it a little at a time, and now, the entire spud gets devoured . Fortunately, when the kids were young, we cut up the potato with the skin, and they grew up eating it all.

Enjoy! Élvez! Piacere! Gustirati! Radosť!

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